Pink Lady® - Taste the Sweet Life


Pink Lady® apples are more than just a fruit; they're an embodiment of a vibrant lifestyle. With their iconic heart-shaped seal of approval, they are hand-picked to ensure premium quality and bursting flavour in every bite. They symbolise the celebration of life's sweet moments, inviting you to savour each experience with zest and enthusiasm.


Find Pink Lady® Apples

Celebrate life's sweet moments with Pink Lady® apples!


Pink Lady® enthusiasts recognize the importance of savouring every moment, just as they savour the sweet crunch of a Pink Lady® apple. Whether enjoyed as an on-the-go snack, a lunchbox essential, or a culinary ingredient, Pink Lady® apples elevate every occasion with their tangy, juicy and sweet flavour.

Pink Lady® Recipes

An explosion of flavour – that’s a Pink Lady® Apple. Even when cooked or baked, the sweet flavour remains prominent and the skin rosy. The apples soften when baked, but will not become floury or lose their shape. All the more reason to cook with them

Pink Lady® Teekoek

Gugelhupf koek met Pink Lady® appels

Italiaanse Dennepit tert met Pink Lady® appels

Karamel en Pink Lady® appelkoek

We Support

Crafts for Cancer

Pink Lady® supports the Tygerberg Hospitals Breast Clinic Fund. Raising funds for cancer patient transport cost to and from the hospital.

BEE Pink

We are committed to the survival of our honey bees. Together with other pollinators they form an integral part of our agricultural industry.

Pink Lady® Food Photographer of the Year

The Pink Lady® Food Photography Awards celebrate the very best in food photography and film from around the world. The Awards are open to professional and non-professional photographers, young and old alike.

Make healthy living a part of your active lifestyle with Pink Lady® - naturally!

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