Pink Lady® - Taste the Sweet Life

Caramel Pink Lady® apple crumble bars


+/- 40 Minutes


12 - 15

By Chad January

Find Pink Lady® Apples


Perfect for a bake sale or home-made gift, or simply make these indulgently layered treats for yourself.

  1. Preheat oven to 180°C. 
  2. Cream butter, vanilla and sugar together until light and fluffy. 
  3. Whisk in flour until a dough forms. 
  4. Press ¾ of the dough into a lined 12cm x 18cm baking tray. Wrap the remaining dough in clingfilm and refrigerate until hard.
  5. Bake the dough in the baking tray for 15 minutes. 
  6. Place Caramel Treat™ in a saucepot and heat, whisking until melted and smooth. (You can do this in the microwave too.)
  7. Remove caramel from heat and stir in cinnamon. Spread on cooled biscuit base. 
  8. Top with a layer of sliced or diced apples.
  9. Sprinkle granola and almonds over apples, then grate chilled dough evenly over the tray. 
  10. Bake for another 18-23 minutes. 
  11. Cool slightly, then slice into bars. 
  12. Cool completely then store in an airtight container. 

Recipe by:

Chad January

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Biscuit base:

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