Pink Lady® - Taste the Sweet Life

Colourful Pink Lady® apple crisps


+/- 1.5 Hours



By Chad January

Find Pink Lady® Apples


  1. Preheat oven to 90°C.
  2. Cut apples into 1mm-thin slices – a mandolin slicer works best. 
  3. Add lemon juice to a bowl of water and immerse the apple slices in the mixture – this will keep them from discolouring.
  4. Combine the 4 cups (1L) water and sugar and heat until sugar is dissolved. 
  5. Divide simple syrup among 3 saucepots, adding different shades of food colouring to each (or different amounts of the same shade for an ombré effect).
  6. Bring pots to a simmer. Add a handful of apple slices to each pot and leave for 30 seconds to infuse, then remove. 
  7. Drain slightly on kitchen paper, then place in a single layer on a lined baking tray. (You will need 4-5 baking trays, or do this in batches.)
  8. Repeat with remaining syrup and apple slices, careful not to let syrup boil, as this might change the colour. 
  9. Dry apple chips in the oven for 1½ -2 hours, or until crisp and completely dried out. 
  10. Cool and store in an airtight container. 

*Cook’s note: As apples dry in the oven, colour will intensify slightly, becoming somewhat brighter than the syrup colour. 

Recipe by:

Chad January

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